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- Commodore VIC 1541 Tutorial Part 2
- ========= === ==== ======== ==== =
- note: (part 1 was on LOADSTAR # 1)
- by: Joel Ellis Rea
- Last month we discussed the ances-
- try of the 1541 disk drive. If you
- missed it, check out the back issues
- offer.
- This month we will discuss the bas-
- ics of how the disk holds information,
- and how to do the four most important
- operations on a disk:
- 1. Format a NEW disk so that
- information can be organized
- on the surface of the disk.
- 2. SAVE a program onto the disk.
- 3. LOAD a program from the disk.
- 4. Make a BACKUP of the infor-
- mation from one disk to an-
- other in case Murphy visits!
- We will not discuss the why's and
- wherefore's of the particular commands
- and syntaxes and such this time. We
- will just show the commands.
- When you got your disk drive, you
- more than likely received a disk en-
- titled "1541 TEST/DEMO". If you have
- no such disk, go out and buy a copy of
- the "1541 Bonus Pack" disk from a lo-
- cal dealer. It is inexpensive and
- very useful!
- With the "1541 TEST/DEMO" disk in
- your drive, type:
- LOAD "C-64 WEDGE",8: (at this point
- hold down the SHIFT key and press
- the RUN/STOP key. DO NOT hit RE-
- TURN!)
- This will load and run DOS Manager
- Version 5.1, also known as the DOS
- Support Program or the DOS Wedge. You
- should load the DOS Manager (herafter
- called the Manager) every time you
- turn on your computer, except when you
- are just going to run a pre-packaged
- program like Loadstar.
- If you have the Disk Bonus Pack in-
- stead of the 1541 TEST/DEMO disk, you
- will have to insert it instead and
- type:
- LOAD " DOS 5.1",8,1
- Wait for the drive to stop and the
- word "READY." to appear, then type:
- SYS 52224
- That will also activate the Manager
- for you.
- The Manager makes it easier to use
- the disk drive. You can use the drive
- without it, but it is much more tedi-
- ous. We will not discuss non-Manager
- commands this time.
- Before you can use a new, blank
- disk, the disk must first be prepared
- for use by a 1541 drive. This prepar-
- ation is called "formatting". This
- needs to be done only once per disk
- unless the disk is physically erased,
- partially or completely. You should
- format all of your blank disks as soon
- as you get them home!
- To format a disk, type:
- @NEW0:disk name,id
- The "disk name" can be any name of
- your choice up to 16 characters long.
- It cannot contain a comma, colon, as-
- terisk, question mark or quote. The
- "id" is a Disk Identifier. It must be
- exactly two characters long, with the
- same restrictions on legal characters
- as the "disk name". WARNING! The
- disk "id" MUST be DIFFERENT on EVERY
- DISK YOU OWN!!! Some examples:
- Some examples of illegal format com-
- mands:
- (No colon)
- (Quotes in disk name)
- (Disk name too long)
- @NEW0:DISK #1,1
- (Id too short)
- (No id. This is legal, but the
- disk will not be formatted --
- just erased and renamed. Use
- this to re-use an already for-
- matted disk that has nothing
- on it you want to keep.)
- -------------<continued>--------------
- (x to exit)